"When May opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed were the leaves. And that she was still alive.
'Ouch,' she whispered, rubbing at her face. She sat up and squinted at the brightness around her, fearful and dazed as she tried to focus on the leafy branch above her, which seemed to be waving at her for attention. Beyond it a ......... or were they just spots of sky showing through?" ( pg.63)
"There before him, traced in the sand at the base of the rock, were the eyes of a lady, her face hidden in the sand-traced leaves of enormous tree. Above her, one hand extended upward, with one finger pointed along the sand." (pg. 101)
" She turned and leaped back to see she was face-to-face with a man hanging from the rafters by his knees, his hands hanging down below him, one of them holding a water gun filled with black liquid. May tried to run, but he pushed her up against the wall with on frigid hand, holding the water gun to her throat. He smiled a wicked, sickly grin at her. 'Welcome to the grotto. I hear yer looking for me." (pg 185)
Have you ever fallen in to a lake and felt like you wouldn't be able to come up again?
This book is about May Bird who fell into a lake and ended up in another world, The Ever After. The Ever After is where the dead live. May meets a lot of new ghost friends. Her only friend in the real world is her cat, Somber Kitty. They are in search of a book the is called The Book of the Dead. This causes them great trouble. The Boggy man is searching for May. No alive people are allowed in The Ever After. Will she make it back to our world? I recommend this book to people who enjoy stories about ghosts, creepy, scary things and adventure. I don't recommend this book to people who like happy things. so if you like books about unicorns and rainbows don't get this book.
Book By: Jodi Lynn Anderson
Blog By: Rebecca Diller
Genre: Fantasy