"She could have called on anybody. There were twenty two other kids in the clasroom, and they all had their hands up in the air. Francis did. Teddy did. Gina did, of course. Even Nick Blonsky, who usually sits in the back row with his pencil up his nose, had his hand raised. She could have called on one of them, right? Guess who she calls on." (pages1-2)
Big Nate is about a kid who is 11 years old. In this book, Nate, the main character, does what a fourtune cookie tells him: Today you will surpass all others. Of course, he TRYS to do it, but ends up getting in trouble. But there's more where that came from. Hurry up! Go to your library and check it out! Don't think we'll give away ALL the secrets! Will Nate ever surpass others? Only one way to find out, READ THIS BOOK!!!!! Enjoy!
Blog By: Logan B. and Zachary D.
Book By: Lincoln Peirce
Genre: Humor/Graphic Novel
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