"We shall see, her mother said. But if you are to be a teacher, you will have to start again with your reading and writing. And, Sarah, it is time for bed. There had been nights when Sarah had not liked to hear the words time for bed. Now she loved the sound of her mother's voice saying them. That night Sarah slept warm under the quilts. On a peg near by hung her cloak-and she did not need it. She had kept up her courage and it was somthing that would be always with her. Always-even when the cloak was all worn out. Tonight the pictures in her mind were comfortable ones-home -family-the fireside and a door securely fastened. The light from the fire made pleasant patterns in the darkness. Sarah lay quietly, and the wing in the trees sang her to sleep"(last page)
Are you brave like Sarah Noble? In this book at the time 1707, a young girl named Sarah Noble and her father John Noble went on a very long journey to find a place to live. Along the way, they met a family of five but they had to leave the next day. Sarah was nervous when they found a place to live. There were Indians that lived down the path from Sarah and John. The Indians from the North scared Sarah most of all. Sarah had pleanty of friends now. The Indian children seemed very nice and soon they became friends. Towards the end John Noble had to leave Sarah with the Indians while he walk through the wilderness and get the rest of the family. All along John Noble told Sarah to keep up her courage.
Book- The Courage of Sarah Noble
Author- Alice Dalgliesh
Genre-Historcial Fiction
Blogger- Joanna
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