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Monday, June 7, 2010

The Untold Ending

The Untold Ending
Written by Sarah J.

“The Hook”
“Come on Katie!’ Sam called to his sister from the far end of the room.
‘Don’t be too scared!!’ he mocked, a big grin planted across his face.
Katie couldn’t help but smile back. ‘Okay, okay' she said as she slowly and cautiously moved toward her brother. Maggie was sitting in the corner, rummaging through boxes and pulling out gadgets of all sorts. ‘Be careful!’
Katie called to her. Maggie nodded and mumbled something that sounded like “okay". The room was dark except for a dim lamp resting on a wooden table. All of the sudden Sam’s eyes met something at the far end of the room. ‘Hey look at that!’ he told Katie pointing in the distance. Maggie’s head propped up and she crawled closer to see what he was talking about. ‘What?’ Katie asked after minutes of trying to figure out where he was pointing. ‘There, that light!’ he showed her again. ‘Oh!’ Katie’s eyes lit up. ‘Let’s go check it out!’ she suggested surprisingly not scared. The two of them together walked quickly toward the yellow blinking light not too far from their distance. They tried their best to avoid anything they might step on. When they finally made it, they kind of just stood there staring at the bright strobe like light that wasn’t actually a light at all. It wasn’t a lamp or anything, it was just blinking, there in the middle of the air. Sam bent over to check for any cords or plugs. ‘Nope.’he said standing up. ‘Well…’ Katie waited. ‘I don’t know what it is.’ Sam finished her sentence. By this time Maggie had made her way over to them. She reached her arms high in the air to tell them she wanted to be held. Sam took the hint and gently scooped her up in his arms and tucked a short red curl behind her ear. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘Should we…touch it?’ Katie asked him. ‘I don’t know it might be dangerous.’ He added. Maggie turned around and stared blankly at the flashing light. ‘Past!’ she whispered. Sam turned to look at her. His brown chocolate eyes met her light blue ones. ‘What?’ he asked her softly. ‘Past!’ she said again, louder this time. And before Katie or Sam could say anything, she grabbed their hands and placed them on the light. Then, she placed her hand on top and before either child knew what was happening, they had disappeared into the darkness.” [Pages 42-44]


In the story the Untold Ending, three siblings, Sam, Katie, and Maggie go on an adventure that could change their lives forever.
The story starts when the children’s old and sickly grandfather tells them a bedtime story in the hospital one night. The story was magical and the children wished as though it would never end. But the children assumed that ever story had to have an end, or it wasn’t really a story at all. Anyway, at approximately 10:00 that night, their grandfather died from an unexpected heart attack. His death occurred right before he was about to finish the end of the story. His last words were “You kids are magical. You have the power to do anything you want if you just believe! Now go find the end of that story!” he had managed to say. “But where do we go?” Katie asked him.
But by that time, it was too late…he was already gone.

A little while after their grandfather’s death, the children are sitting in their trailer when their mother suggests they go explore. The children find a mysterious attic they had never seen before. When exploring, they find a flashing light in the far corner of the attic. They go to check it out and all of the sudden, their four year old sister Maggie starts whispering the word “past”, and before they know it, the children’s hands are placed on the light and as if by magic, they disappear.
Soon, the children awake in a mysterious town, surrounded by people from the 1500’s. At first everything is a blur, but then it all makes sense. They were sent back in time to their grandfather’s time period. They then realize that the story he had been telling was true!! The religious battles, the war, it was all true! And they were sucked into the story to find the ending!
Then, the real adventure takes off!
Sam, Katie, and Maggie were confused and upset about their grandfather dying…and well, losing their dad. But as they travel through time they learn that life has its ups and downs, but it only takes a little magic and a whole lot of sacrifice to realize what really matters.
During their adventure they meet different characters, travel to amazing places and learn to stick together through everything. Even if their life doesn’t have an ending at all.
If you want to find out what happens to Sam, Katie, and Maggie…
Too bad because this book probably won’t be in stores for another four years
But don’t worry because it will all be worth it when you can sit down and read a book that a student from your fifth grade class wrote.

Recommendation and book by Sarah J.
[The Untold Ending could be published from anywhere from four to six years]

1 comment:

  1. Sarah- I can't wait to read this book. Good luck getting it published and be sure to set aside a copy for your 5th grade teacher!
    Mrs. Ryan
