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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Mysterious Benedict Society



"Number Two sat at the computer and with quick, agile fingers, typed a string of commands. The television screen flickered; its picture grew distorted.  The children could still make out the wavery image of the news reporter gesturing toward a crowd of children behind her, but her voice faded away, replaced by that of a child. 
'What in the world?' Katie said.
'Just listen,' said Number Two.
The unseen child- it sounded like a girl about Katie's age- spoke in a plodding, whispery monotone, her voice half-drowned in static. At first only a few random words were clear enough to be understood: ‘Market… too free to be… obfuscate…’ Number Two typed new commands into the computer; the interference lessened considerably, and the child’s words came clearly now, slipping through the faint static in a slow drone:
Again the words were overcome by static. Number Two muttered under her breath.  Her fingers flew across the keyboard , and the child’s slow, whispery voice returned:
POISON APPLES, POISON WORMS.’”    (page 97 and 98)

Have you ever taken a test that would change your life forever?  Four children named George “Sticky” Washington, Reynard Muldoon, Kate Wetherall, and Constance Contraire are extremely smart and gifted children.  Constance is only two and eleven months old! These children are on a top-secret mission, under the guidance of Mr. Benedict, they must stop a machine that controls the minds of everyone that watches TV.  In this adventurous journey, George “Sticky” Washington, Reynard Muldoon, Kate Wetherall, and Constance Contraire must avoid villains and terrible booby-traps.  Will they get caught, or will they survive?

Title: The Mysterious Benedict Society

Author: Trenton Lee Stewart

Genre: Mystery

Blog by: Michelle D.


Hook- “Amy didn’t want to think about the attic anymore today, she didn’t want to talk about the dollhouse. If she did, she’d have to figure out how one of the dolls –grandma Treloar it was- could be standing in the parlor,  when  Amy was particially certain she had left the whole doll family in the dining room. Dolls can’t move themselves. She told herself. She felt goose bumps popping out of her arms.”(pg.38 chapter 5)

Recommendation-  Do you like dolls or have you ever had a doll house? Well, Amy Treloar has. She is a average 12 year old girl with a best friend named Ellen and a sister named LouAnne. But, when her Aunt Clare gives her a “haunted” dollhouse, everything is changing, nothing is the same!  Amy goes into the attic and hears little creepy noises.  Then, she went into the attic and noticed the dolls are not in the same spot where she put them.  Amy tries to tell her Aunt Clare, but she doesn't believe her.  Do you?  You will have to read this book to see how the story ends!

Book- The Dollhouse Murders

Author- Betty Ren Wright                    

Blogger- Alexis Valerio

Genre- mystery


A Tale Dark and Grimm

    "'Go home, little girl, go home;'
    'To a murderers house you've come'

   Their raspy voices ringing out in a horribe chorus:
      'Go home, little girl, go home'
   'To a murderer's house you've come" (Page 97)
              Recommendation:   Can you ever imagine your parents chopping off your head and putting it back together just so their personal servant can come back to life? Have you ever run away from home to find yourself baked in an oven? Have you ever cut off your finger so that you can turn 7 swallows into humans? Well Hansel and Gretel have. This is the real Grimm story of Hansel and Gretel. The one you probably know is when the two kids go to a baker women’s house and the get baked in an oven.  Right?  Yeah that happens but it’s only the beginning. More than once the kids risk their lives to survive. Once the run away from their mom and dad the go to other families but all of them are crazy so they leave to find a house somewhere else. After a lot of time and a lot of families they decide to live on their own and everything changes. Hansel turns into a wolf-man and has to face the devil and Gretel is left along going to a murders home. At the end they have to save their home town and fight a dragon. Will they survive? Read this book to find out what happens.

WARNING: If you get scared easily DO NOT read this book !

Title:     A Tale Dark and Grimm

Author:  Adam Gidwitz

Genre:   Fantasy

Blog By: Victoria B.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Beauty and the Beast



Beast: “I shake my head. I am glad that my face won’t make girls scream for me on the streets. Alexander can have that particular blessing. I know he finds it difficult to believe, but I honestly do not care what stares back at me from the mirror. Especially since I almost never gaze into one.
    ‘ I told you,’ Alexander says, grinning. ‘He enjoys being beastly!’
    She laughs in response, and we keep dancing. ‘Riley is not beastly,’ she says. ‘A real beast would have nails as sharp as an eagle’s talons!’
    ‘And tufts of fur all over his body!’ Alexander calls out.
    ‘And a nose the size of…well, the size of his nose now!’ Father shouts.
    We all laugh, even Mother.
    ‘Only pointed, like a hawk’s !’ Alexander adds.
    Mother joins in. ‘With hair like a lion’s mane!’ She says. ‘So even if he combed it, it wouldn’t matter!’
    More laughter. It is at my expense, but I do not care. I am having too much fun. ‘As broad as two men, and a strong as an ox!’
‘ Is that all?’ she teases as we begin our third time around the clearing.
‘ Well, I would not mind being taller,’ I admit. ‘That way I would be closer to the stars.’
    ‘As tall as a giraffe!’ Alexander calls out. ‘Then you could pick our morning oranges straight from the branches!’
    ‘Done,’ the girl says, her voice clear and strong. I assume she means we are done dancing, so I stop. But, suddenly, I feel strange. Heavy and hot. The ground seems farther away somehow. The girl’s eyes are closed. Her lips are moving, but I hear no words coming from her mouth.
Then Mother’s screams echo through the woods and do not stop until she falls from her horse.”    (Pages 73 and 74)

 Beauty:  "Papa jumps up from the front step when he sees us. His face is completely devoid of color, his eyes wild withe fear or pain, I cannot tell. He has twisted his hat so many times it hangs in shreds in his hands. Yet he still twists it.
‘Papa!’ I run to him. ‘What is it? What happened?’
He stumbles over to the chair and nearly falls into it.’ The Beast! I took a mere flower from his garden and now I must return to his castle forever.’ He buries his head in his hands and begins to sob. Clarissa and I look at each other, stricken. Has Papa eaten some bad berries? Has he gone mad?
‘What are you talking about Papa?’ I ask, kneeling beside him. ‘How can an animal have a castle?’
He shakes his head. ‘This was no animal. He was huge, taller than the tallest man and wide as two men!’
‘Not every large man is a beast,’ I tell him, thinking of Flavian. ‘He might appear a bear on the outside but be a kitten within.’
‘He was no kitten, nor bear either.’Twas a talking beast I tell you. With long fur and nails as sharp as knives!’ It takes him a while-with many interruptions for clarity from me and Clarissa-but he finally gets through the entire story. After a moment of stunned silence, we follow him to his bedroom behind the kitchen.
He takes a deep breath and pushes open the door. Our mouths drop in unison. Treasure-for what it must be called-covers the room nearly from the floor to the ceiling. Jewel-covered books and bracelets and rings and golden figurines. Fine robes and shoes and headpieces. And on top of it all, a crumpled red rose.”  
(pages 203 and 204)



Have you ever thought your life would never be the same again? Well, in this classic tale of “Beauty and the Beast,” you will find this fresh spin on an old tale! With a name like Beauty, people expect a lot of grace and prettiness from you. But what if all you like to do is read and explore the outside world? Oh, and you have a perfect older sister who is more lady-like than you’ll ever be. And if you’re a prince, people expect you to be handsome and commanding and tall. But what if all you like to do is gaze at the stars and try to figure out how to make worms live forever? Oh, and you have a perfect older brother who is a lot princely than you’ll ever be. When Riley becomes the victim of a curse, he has to find a girl to fall in love with in just three months and Beauty’s family has turned from riches to rags. Will things ever work out? Read and enjoy “Beauty and the Beast” like you have never heard it before!

Title: Beauty and the Beast
Author: Wendy Mass
Genre: Fantasy
Blog by: Michelle D.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Every Soul a Star

Bree: “It’s one of those perfect summer days, with no humidity to swell up my hair. I take a deep, happy breath of the clean air as we head into town. A good hair day is worth its weight in gold. When we’ve gone a few blocks, Melanie says, “I had one of them again last night, didn’t I?”
She’s talking about night terrors. They’re like nightmares, except she’s not dreaming at the time. It’s like some weird screaming state you can’t wake her out of. Then she doesn't remember much in the morning. Mom and Dad have done a lot of research on it but haven’t found a cure. The doctors say people usually outgrow it. It’s weird that a kid so relentlessly happy all the time screams in her sleep.
‘Yeah, around midnight. I found you in the corner of the living room and bought you back to bed.’
I’d been finding Melanie in corners of our house since she was four. This is why whenever Claire and I have sleepovers, they’re always at her house. Claire has been my best friend since that time in second grade when her nanny forgot to pick her up after dance class and I found her crying into her tutu. But we both know that if one of us is going to make it as a model, it will be me. Claire isn’t very tall, and she has a crooked nose, which she is going to get fixed as a sweet sixteen present. She always forgets to us conditioner, and really, that's the most important part of washing your hair. She’s the most popular girl in our grade though, because she’s super rich and her mom used to be in horror movies before she met Claire’s dad and became respectable.” (Pages 25 & 24)
Ally: “Melanie comes to the door in Kenny’s red-white-and-blue pajamas that he got last Fourth of July as a gift from Ryan’s grandmother. I feel him tense up when he sees them on her, but he quickly recovers.
‘I’m Kenny, ‘he says. ‘And this is a box of bugs.’ He holds up the box and Bree jumps back. Melanie peers at it, curious.
‘Leave that outside,’ Bree commands. ‘Then come in before my parents see you.’
The girls go into the bathroom to change and I fill Kenny in on the plans. When they come back out, Bree’s hair is gleaming and she has makeup on. Except for when we’re in town, I almost never see people in makeup. She looks sort of glamorous, sort of fake, at the same time. It takes me a second to notice they’re wearing more of our clothes! It’s not that I mind sharing, it’s just one more thing of ours that Mom is taking away without asking.
Kenny is staring at Bree, and she winks. ‘Never seen a girl in makeup before?’
‘Ally doesn’t wear makeup.’ he says.
‘Well, Ally could stand to wear some.’ Turning to me she says, ‘Did you even brush you hair this morning?’
My hand instantly flies to my hair. I almost never think of brushing my hair.
‘You don't need to answer,’ Bree says, tossing me her hairbrush. ‘It’s obvious.’
I yank the brush through my hair, wincing as it hits knots. ‘Why should I brush it?’ I ask. ‘Who cares what my hair looks like?’
Mel and Kenny watch this exchange silently.
‘Everyone cares. You’re not a kid anymore. There are cute guys here!’
I stop brushing. ‘There are?’
‘That guy, the one I’ve seen you talking to a few times. Spiky blond hair? Preppy?’
She must mean Ryan. ‘What about him?’
‘Don't you want to look nice for him?’
She sighs and leans forward, like she’s about to address a child. ‘When a girl likes a boy, she wants to look nice for him. You know that, right?’
I flash back to the morning Ryan arrived. Clothes rumpled from sleeping in them, hair unbrushed, ring of purple popsicle around my mouth. I lay the brush on the floor. No wonder he doesn't think of me as a girl.” (Pages 162 & 163)
Jack: “I scramble of the bed and hurry to the door. I open it to find Ally standing there, looking all clean and refreshed. I wince as I realize what I must look like. I wish I’d taken a shower after the run. I hope I don't stink. She holds up a big white paper bag and says, ‘I’ve got sandwiches.’
I rub my eyes. “Sorry?’
‘For dinner tonight. I figured we’d go up early. We need to make sure we can find the right star as soon as it’s out.’
I slept right through lunch! It’s not like me to miss a meal. Those sandwiches smell good. Don't you have to give one of your talks tonight?’
She shakes her head. ‘My mom’s going to do it. She feels so guilty about making us move that right now I can probably ask for a pony and she’d give it to me.’
‘You want a pony?’
‘No. But don’t all girls want ponies?’
‘I have no idea.’
‘See, that’s my problem.’
‘What is?’ I know I just woke up, but I’m having a hard time following her.
‘Being a girl.’
‘You seem to be doing a good job as far as I can see.’
She shakes her head again. ‘No. I don't think I am.’
We each sit down on a bed.
‘I’m going to ask Bree if she’ll help me.’
‘I’m a little scared of her.’ I admit.
‘Me too,’Ally says, then laughs. ‘Maybe it’s because she’s so beautiful. Don’t you think she’s the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen?’
I shake my head. ‘I’ve seen prettier.’
‘You have not.’
‘I have.’ It takes all my courage to look up.
‘Oh.’ She says, and blushes furiously.
And then because I can’t believe I said that, I blurt out something even more embarrassing. ‘When I was ten months old I was in a Pampers commercial for plus-sized diapers.’
‘You were?’
I nod, mortified, yet unable to stop talking. ‘It was SD1’s fault. That’s Step Dad Number One,’ I quickly explain. ‘I don’t remember him at all. But he knew someone was looking for babies of a certain size. There was me and twenty other fat babies crawling around a park- on the jungle gyms, the seesaws, the sandbox, the swings, all in our non-leaking, move-with-our-bodies, plus-sized Pampers. That commercial aired for six years. If I manage to get into college, it will be paid for.’” (Pages 243-245)
Have you ever thought your life would never be the same again? Were you forced to move, or maybe you have a new sibling? Ally, Bree, and Jack never asked for their lives to change, but it all just happened. Ally likes the simple things in life-stargazing, labyrinths, and comet hunting. Her home, the Moon Shadow, is a part of her, unless it is taken from her heart. Bree is a pretty, popular, and a future prom princess. She wears her beauty like a shining suit of armor. Jack is overweight and awkward, but when he has a chance to skip summer school, he finds himself in an unusual situation. All three characters have their own problems, their own dreams. Will they put down their differences to help each other out?
Title: Every Soul a Star
Author: Wendy Mass
Genre: Realistic-fiction
Blog by: Michelle D.




Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our Only May Amelia

        "Outside the window the sky is black and the stars are winking at me . I watch the fireflies dancing in the field and realize my birthday is nearly over, and I haven't made my secret birthday wish yet.  Mamma says that a wish made on a birthday always comes true.  I don't know about that, though.  Last year I wished for Kaarlo to stop being so mean to me all the time, but he's still the same mean old Kaarlo.
Still, it can't hurt to try.  I think hard but it's an easy wish. I can't tell anyone, not even Wilbert and he's my very best brother.  I can't tell him because he'll never understand what it is to be me May Amelia Jackson, the only Jackson girl, and the only girl in Nasel.
I squeeze my eyes tight and wish with my heart that Mamma has a little baby girl so that I can have a sister.
I just made my birthday wish, I tell whisper.  But Wilbert and Wendell aren't listening to me.  They're to busy snoring."  (page 19)
        " Everybody knows that I was the first girl to be born here on the Nasel, all the other mammas had boys including my own mamma who had six of them.
         Mamma says, I swear to you May Amelia there is something in the very water that breeds boys, you are Simply A Miracle.
         My grandmother does not think that I am A Miracle.  That is, Pappa's mother, Grandmother Patience.
         At breakfast, Pappa says, Your Grandmother Patience will be coming to live with us on account of her getting on in years.
         I swear I don't rightly understand why Pappa's letting her live with us, she's fit as can be, I say to Wilbert.
         None of us children likes Grandmother patience 'cause she's real mean and doesn't care for children.  I don't know why she even had Pappa and Aunt Feenie and Uncle Aarno and Aunt Aili.  She always says that children are nothing but devils and demons.
         She has a silver-tipped cane that she uses to walk and one tine she whacked Wendell so hard that he had a bruise on his cheek for a whole week and all he'd done was talk back to her.  I haven't seen sight of her since I was eight years old even though she only lives in Astoria.  That time she yelled at Mamma, said she was no kind of wife to my pappa, didn't know how to do anything right let alone raise seven boys and one scrawny girl, and then she took Mamma's favorite dish which Pappa had brought all the way from Finland and threw it at her and smashed it against the wall.  After that Grandmother and pappa had a real big fight and Grandmother Patience hasn't come back until now.
         Wilbert tells me Grandmother Patience was poorly named."    (page 91 and 92)

        Have you ever been annoyed by anyone in you family?  Well, May Amelia was the first girl to be born in the Nasel- a real miracle, everyone says.  A lot of times May forgets that she is a girl, living with seven brothers, like when she wears overalls, or helps Wilbert (her best brother) with his fishing.  But sometimes her family does treat her like a miracle, and it's just plain maddening, like when Pappa yells at her for staying at the logging camp or keeping her in the house because there's a real live murder on the loose.  What May thinks will be the greatest miracle of all is if the baby in Mamma's belly turns out to be a girl.  Will May always be their only miracle in the Jackson family, or will the new baby be the little sister she's been hoping for?

       May's brothers:  Matti is eighteen.  Kaarlo is seventeen and a half and is really May's cousin but I guess he is sort of a brother.  Isaiah is sixteen.  Wendell is fifteen.  Alvin is fourteen.  Ivan is fourteen too. He is Alvin's twin and they look as alike as two summer blackberries.  Only May and Wilbert can tell them apart, even Mamma has trouble telling them apart.  Wilbert is thirteen and he is May's best brother.

                                       If you don't go, you can't return.
                                                 -Finnish proverb

     Title: Our Only May Amelia
     Author: Jennifer L. Holm
     Genre: Historical Fiction
     Blog by: Michelle D.




Wednesday, January 9, 2013

White Star


" No other ships pulled into New York harbor carrying survivors. No more heartfelt reunions unfolded on the docks between the rescued and their waiting families. All that was left was names on a list.
Sam Harris                             saved
Ann Isham                              lost
Buckthorn Kingsbury 111      lost
Webb Kingsbury                     lost
Phineas MacDougal                lost "
(page 118 and 119)

Does history appeal to you?  Do you like the heartbreaking story of the Titanic?  Well if you do this might be just the right book for you! In this book you will find a young boy heading to New York, a dog who is adventurous and could never let one of his friends be forgotten, and a trust worthy best friend who would just love to fix the Titanics flaws.  In this book you will get to see how people on the Titanic had to give up there companions and by companions I mean there dogs and their family.


Book:White Star
Author:Marty Crisp
Genre:Historical Fiction

Happy Birthday Sophie Hartley


“The idea was a little confusing, even to Sophie, but she kept at it. Her mother wouldn’t be able to resist when Sophie told her that gorillas didn’t scratch furniture or dig holes, and that Sophie was going to be able to write notes to her gorilla telling it what not to do. ‘Patience? Who’re you kidding?’ Sophie’s older sister, Nora, had made her entrance. She tossed her backpack on the couch and made for the family computer. ‘Number one, you don’t know what patience is, Sophie, ‘she said scornfully. ‘And number two, Maura’s still a baby.’  (pgs. 4 and 6)  



Have you ever had this crazy idea you wanted a gorilla?  Well, in this book Sophie Hartley has always wanted a gorilla for her birthday.  Her sister Maura always is bothering her and getting in the way of what Sophie is doing to practice if she ever gets a gorilla.  Nora, her other sister is just always being a brat to Sophie. When Sophie’s birthday final came her friends Jenna and Alice bring a big box to Sophie’s house. Sophie thought it was a gorilla, but it wasn’t. Read to find out if she gets what she wants.

Title: Happy Birthday Sophie Hartley

Author: Stephanie Green

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Blog by: Jenna J

Esperanza Rising


“Miguel eventually caught her arm and pulled her around.  'What is the matter with you?'  'Is this the better life that you left Mexico for?  Is it?  Nothing is right here!  Isabel will certainly not be queen no matter how badly she wants it because she is Mexican.  You cannot work on engines because you are Mexican.  We have gone to work through angry crouds of our own people who threw rocks at us, and I'm afraid they might have been right!  They send people back to Mexico even if they don't belong there, just for speaking up.  We live in a horse stall.  And none of this bothers you?  Have you heard they are building a new camp for Okies, with a swimming pool?  The Mexicans can only swim in it on the afternoon they clean it!  Have you heard they will be given inside toilets and hot water?  Why is that, Miguel?  Is it because they are the fairest in the land?  Is this life really better  then being a servant in Mexico?"(Page 221-222)


Has your world ever flipped upside down?  Well a 13 year old girl’s life did.  Her name is Esperanza.  She went from “riches to rags.”  Once her father died everything went downhill.  Her house caught on fire (not on accident), and then she moved to America to be a migrant worker.  Things might be tough in her new life but she’ll work around them.  Read the book to find out how she works around these puzzling issues and family problems.

Title: Esperanza Rising

Author: Pam Munoz Ryan

Genre: Historical Fiction

Blogger: Grace B.