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Historical Fiction

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The “Hook”
“Now, you don’t have to worry, Bruno’ said Mother, sitting down in the chair where the beautiful blonde woman who had come to dinner with the Fury had sat and waved at him when Father closed the doors. ‘In fact if anything it’s going to be a great adventure.’
’What is?’ he asked. ‘Am I going to be sent away?’
’No not just you,’ she said, looking as if she might smile for a moment but thinking better of it. ‘We all are. You’re Father and I, Gretel and you. All four of us’
Bruno thought about this and frowned. He wasn’t particularly bothered if Gretel was being sent away because she was a Hopeless Case and caused nothing but trouble for him. But it seemed a little unfair that they all had to go with her. (page 3)
‘No.’ said Bruno. He wanted to add the words, ‘I’ll miss you too, Shmuel,’….’So tomorrow will be the last time we see each other until then,’ he continued. ‘We’ll have to say our goodbyes then. I’ll try to bring you an extra special treat.’…’I wish we’d got to play together,’ said Bruno after a long pause. ‘Just once. Just to remember.’
‘So do I,’ said Shmuel.
We’ve been talking to each other for more than a year and we never go to play once. And do you know what else?’ he added. ‘All this time I’ve been watching where you live from out of my bedroom window and I’ve never even seen for myself what it’s like.’…………
Shmuel thought for a few moments and then reached down and put his hand under the fence……
‘Well’, said Shmuel. ‘Why don’t you then?”(pg.197)

Have you ever kept a secret so deadly it could cost your life? Or have to move and start a new life? Well, if you have you can relate to Bruno. He is the youngest under his sister Gretel, (“the hopeless case”). He has to make a friend, someone, and anyone. He HATES it at Out-with, and wants nothing more than to go back to Berlin. But, everything changes when he meets, Shmel. They talk for a long time, and a decision has to be made…. Will they get to play together, or at least touch hands?
Blog by: Sheridan M and Maddy S
Book by: John Boyne
Genre: Historical Fiction

Bound for Oregon


"I would keep on writing to grandma. I would tell her all about our first Christmas and how Elijah could roll over now and might be getting his first tooth. I would tell her about the books that Father had borrowed from Mr.McCorkle and the latest plans for building a schoolhouse...Then all at once I had a wonderful idea. I would take my nine-patch squares that Grandma had started me on and I would sew them into a quilt for Elijah."(Pgs 163 and 164)


Have you ever been mad because you were moving away from family and friends? Well, Mary Ellen in Bound for Oregon definitely has. Bound for Oregon is a book about Mary Ellen and the rest of the Todd family as they take their journey to Oregon. Along the way, the Todd family encounters many obstacles, wild storms, sicknesses, deaths, rivers, and losing friends. Life is hard in a wooden wagon. To find out how Mary Ellen makes out, read Bound for Oregon. It is TRULY awesome.


blog by Jack B.
book by:Jean VanLeeuwen
Genre: historical fiction

The Green Glass Sea

“The Hook”
“Dewey Kerrigan sits on the concrete steps of Mrs.Kovack’s house in St.Louis waiting for her father. He is in Chicago-war work- and she has not seen him since the fourth of July. It’s almost thanksgiving now. She looks toward the corner every few seconds.”(Page 1)

Have you ever wanted to be involved in secret war activities? Well, Dewey and Suze didn’t. They had normal lives before the war. When their families were called by the government, their lives changed forever. In New Mexico, a place called “the hill” is where they are. It’s so secret, they can’t even tell names! Suddenly, Dewey’s father has to go to Washington. Now, “Screwy” Dewey has to live with Suze. They even have to share a bedroom! To find out if things get better, read the book.
By: Jack B.
Author: Ellen Klages
Genre: Historical Fiction