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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


"It's poppa,' Momma said in a choked voice, as her perfect features stretched and pinched. A gust of wind burst from fish's side of the table, blowing everyone's hair and sending our paper napkins flying pell-mell onto the floor... She told us how Poppa's car had gotten crushed up bad, like a pop can under a cowboy boot, and how he'd gone and forgotten to get out before it happened, landing himself in a room and a bed at Salina hope Hospital, where now he lay broken and asleep, not able to wake up." (pages 9 and 10)

"Poppa didn't wake up. Not yet at least. The doctors say-well, they say we'll have to wait and see.' At that moment, I knew exactly what I had to do-I just hadn't yet figured out how to do it." (page 42)

"That was when I saw the colorful ink of Bobbie's tattoo. The preacher's daughter had a small design on her lower back that only showed itself when she bent over in those fancy jeans. The tattoo was a picture of a little angel with a golden halo and outstretched wings, only this angel had a devilish grin and a pointed red tail to match...That was when that little angel turned its head, twirled its tail, and said, 'She's really lonely, you know...' And that was when I fainted." (pages 52 and 53)

"The bus had stopped. The engine had been turned off. The rattling and bouncing halted. The deliveryman was standing in the aisle, fists on hips, arms akimbo, staring at us all, his lost-dog look replaced now by something a bit more nettled-something a lot more cross. 'She knows she's in trouble now,' said Bobbi's angel in my ears. She's not the only one, I said to myself. (page 82)

Does your family have magical powers? A savvy. I didn't think so. Mibs's family is normal, that's what they want you to think.  Mibs, short for Mississippi is a girl with a secret. Her family has savvies. For those of you who don't know what a savvy is, it's a special power. Her brother Fish, can control weather her brother Rocket, can make electricity, her grandfather can move mountains, and her mother is perfect. She can even fail perfectly! Now it's Mibs turn. Tomorrow, Mibs has her thirteenth birthday and that means it's savvy time! The night before Mibs has her birthday things take an unexpected turn. Her father got into a car accident and was taken to the hospital in a coma. That sticks her, Fish and their sneaky 7 year old brother Samson, with the preachers wife, her angel, Will Jr. and her snotty devil Bobbi. The preachers wife just has to stick her nose in other peoples business and organize a birthday party at the church. All Mibs is focused on is getting to her father in the hospital. A leap in the back of the bible truck means Mibs is home free, until Fish, Samson,Will Jr, and Bobbi must come along. Read this book, and it will take you on a journey of friendship, family, some tattoos, and a savvy never to forget.

Book by: Ingrid Law
Blog by: Madison H.
Genre: Fantasy


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