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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Sisters Grimm #1 The Fairy Tale Detectives


“It had been raining the day her parents disappeared. That was over a year and a half ago, but it still made her heart ache. She remembered rushing home that afternoon with a report card safely tucked inside her rain coat. Excited about her A's in Math and English and her B in Science, (and a little disappointed by her C in Gym), she had proudly taped it to the refrigerator for all to see. It had seemed odd that her parents weren't home from work, but Sabrina didn't worry until Daphne's kindergarten teacher called to find out why no one had picked up the little girl. That night, the girls slept in their parents bed, waiting for them to come home as thunder and lightning crashed in the sky around their apartment. When the social worker came three days later to take them away, it was still raining and Sabrina's report card was still hanging on the refrigerator, awaiting its praise...The police started an investigation. They searched the family's apartment for clues. They interviewed neighbors and co-workers. They dusted for fingerprints, but found nothing. Henry and Veronica Grimm had simply vanished into thin air. Months later, the police found their abandoned car. The only clue was a blood red handprint on the dashboard.”
(Pages 1-2)


Do you know the Brothers Grimm and the famous fairy tales and folk tales they collected? Well say hello to Wilhelm Grimm’s great-great-great-great granddaughters, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm and a cast of characters including Puck, Granny Relda, Mr. Canis, Snow White, Beauty, the Beast, Pied Piper, and many more. I think this book is fun to read and the relastionship with the characters is very close.  Throughout the books, there are little crimes that their family has to solve. The big one throughout the series is what happened to their parents and why didn't the sister's dad tell them about fairytales? Last of all who kidnapped them? 
Do you like adventures about things that you could not possibly think of? Have you ever wondered if fairytales are real? This book is about two sisters that solve mysteries, not just any mysteries but fairytale mysteries. I like this series because it’s a mixture of every genre, including fairytale, humor, romance, adventure, and you can’t forget mystery. Once you start reading you may never put it down!

I recomend this book  to all who love fairytales with a little kick to it.

Blog: Cara L.
Book: Michael Buckley
Genre: Fantasy

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