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Monday, June 7, 2010

"Hotel For Dogs"


The house was white and square and too small and too perfect.
Bruce studied it from the car window. "Do you suppose there's really enough room for all of us?" he asked skeptically.
"It looks smug," Andi said. "It has a stuck- up look, as though it thinks it's to good for ordinary people. Even though the grass looks fake. I bet it's made from plastic and comes from home depot."
"Andi, that is enough!" Mr. Walker pulled the car into the driveway and brought it to a stop, but he did not turn off the motor. "You have been acting this way ever since the time we left New Mexico. We're here now and in another minute you'r going to meet aunt Alice. I don't want one more unpleasant remark- not one."(pg.1)
"We won't be able to take her east with us, I'm afraid" Mrs. Walker said. "You'r fathers aunt is very allergic to dogs, I'm sorry you can't bring yours she sadly said."(pg.2)


Have you ever wanted something so badly you would do anything to get it? Well, I know that I have. Young Bruce and along with his older sister Andi know when they see some abandoned puppies on the street, that they must rescue them. The only place that they can keep them is an old hotel that has been left to rot for at least 20 to 30 years. When the kids see the old hotel, they know when they fix it up they can keep the puppies as well as their own dog Friday there. The two kids just moved form Mexico and are not having a good time staying with their aunt who is allergic to dogs as it is. So when they get a glimpse of the hotel, they know their dog is going to have a bone sweet home! What will happen to the puppies? What will happen to the hotel, with the puppies in it? And most importantly, will Bruce and Andi get caught win the hotel with the dogs? To see what happens in this fufilling story full of love and care for animals, you'll have to read the book!

Recommendation By: Lauren Molloy

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