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Monday, June 7, 2010

Making Waves

Making Waves
By Randi Reisfeld and H.B Gilmour


“Come on Aubrey were gonna go swim another lap in the pool!’ shouted L.J from across the park. Aubrey was sitting on the top of the jungle gym, texting. It took her a second to answer L.J. ‘ Sorry guys I have to go!’ she said climbing down. But we just got here!’ Emily complained. ‘I know but I really should get going.’ She told them. ‘Where do you have to go now?!’ asked Jenna as if Aubrey’s had to leave a million times. ‘My mom just told me I have an ummm…’she hesitated. ‘Doctor’s appointment.’ She answered finally. ‘Come on that’s the third one this week!’ L.J told her. ‘Yeah, and I’m sorry but my mom really needs me!’ she said walking back to where they were laying in the sun. She rolled up her towel and flung her tote bag over her shoulder. ‘Can’t you just stay a little longer? It’s almost 3:00 which is when the lifeguards open up the “high dive” which you promised you’d jump off for the first time today!’ Jenna reminded her. ‘I know and I wish I could stay but…’ her phone buzzed again. She read the screen and then hurried for the gate. ‘Sorry guys I really have to go.’ She told them apologetically. ‘How about tomorrow, same time?’ she questioned. The girls nodded in agreement even though they already assumed Aubrey would bail on them. Again. [Pages 42-45]


Have you ever been really determined to give something a chance? In the book making waves, Emily, L.J, and Jenna have been best friends forever, so when new girl Aubrey shows up at the summer pool, the girls are ready to make some changes and take some big chances in letting her be a part of their trio. After giving her a chance the girls realize that Aubrey is fun, kind, and easygoing. She definitely had that “it” factor they were looking for in a friend. The girls remembered Aubrey’s first day at the pool.
She didn’t make a big entrance or anything, but as she made her way to the pool heads definitely turned. No one knew her, but everyone wanted to know her. And she wasn’t even showing off or anything, but you could tell by her confident smile that she had nothing to hide…

“I’m so glad I found you guys!” Aubrey exclaimed one morning at the pool. It was really hot, and the pool was overflowing with people. The suns gleam was more powerful than most summer days. “Yeah, I know. We totally saved you from the “ice queens”.” Emily told her remembering. The ice queens were a group of girls who came to the pool almost everyday. But, they don’t swim though, they spend most of their time looking in the mirror or making others feel bad. Plus, everyone knew they were masters at making dirty looks. But Emily and her friends knew way better to just keep clear of them. That is until Aubrey came along on her first day at the pool, and sat down with the ice queens! But the girls knew they couldn't blame her, she didn't know the history of Franklin Lakes summer pool. There was so many different things to do. There was also a lot of groups. There's the lifegaurds who spend their free time hanging out by the Snack Shack, there's the toddlers who only come to the pool on Sunday, that drip popcicles all over themselves in the baby pool, and then there's the average guys playing football and shoving each other by the park, and there's the ice queens of course. Aubrey, L.J, and Jenna never really had a group they like doing everything there is to do. But whatever it is you do, Franklin Lakes summer pool is definitly the place to be in the summer. But fun is close to an end when Aubrey starts bailing on the girls at the last minute, and makes lame excuses to leave Emily, L.J, and Jenna start to get a strange suspision that Aubrey could be hiding something. If you want to find out if Aubrey has a secret, or if the four girls will ever stay friends, read this book!!!

Recommendation By: Sarah Jacob

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