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Monday, January 31, 2011

Liberty Porter First Daughter

“The Hook”
“If your father is about to become president of the United States there are a few things you might want to know.
1. Inauguration Day is the day the new president starts his new job.
2. Riding in the backward seat of the limo to Inauguration Day seems really cool. But actually it can make you kind of sick to your stomach.
3. And if you ask your dad to switch seats because you are feeling kind of sick, don’t forget that you put something on the seat next to you: a congratulations card that you decorated in glitter glue. And maybe the glitter glue hasn’t exactly dried yet. And your dad sits on it.”

(page 1)



She’s a nine year old girl with a lot going on. First of all, her dad has just started a new job. And she has to move to a house in the city. Oh, and the really big thing? Her dad? His new job is the president of the United States. That’s right. So the house is the White House and the city is Washington D.C. That means Liberty Porter is going to be the First Daughter and she is super- excited. This is the start of an amazing adventure for Liberty, for the Secret Service who follows her everywhere (ha!), and for her dog Franklin, who makes life in the White House more exciting. Especially when he is barking at tourists.
Genre: Fiction
Book By: Julia DeVillers
Blog By: Maddison P.

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